If you are a business owner, you know very well how funding can affect every aspect of your business. You need to have a ready access to business funds any time you might meet unexpected business expenses. Borrowing money is probably the surest way to sustain your business. Unfortunately, borrowing money has its prerequisites. If you have an imperfect business credit standing, you may have difficulty obtaining the funds from lending institutions. Small business loans with bad credit may have higher interest rates and rigid repayment schemes. Being critical on the right business loan to take can make a great impact on your business growth.
At Fast Business Financial, we believe in helping small businesses grow with the right financial support. We take pride in our services in working side by side with business owners accomplishing their goals. We analyze their business needs and offer a fast, flexible and affordable business line of credit. You can access your line of credit through your online account or when you want to request money. It is credited to your bank account by the next business day as long as you have funds available. You can borrow the amount you need up to the credit limit. You can readily purchase new equipment, upgrade products, improve your shop or simply hire new staff.
How to Get a Small Business Loan with Bad Credit
Worried about your credit score? Having a bad credit doesn’t automatically disqualify you from getting funding. There are many lending options to take into consideration:
Alternative Lenders
Alternative lenders are the key to getting easy and fast funding when you don’t qualify for bank loans. These types of lenders have a quick and easy online application process. You can apply today and get the funding tomorrow! These lenders offer a variety of loans for different types of businesses. They are often considered as unsecured business loans.
Credit Unions
Credit Unions provide a better chance of capital approval for local small businesses. They are considered non-profit organizations that take a vested interest in improving their community. They often provide financial assistance to known local business institutions. Most credit unions have specialized funding for specific types of business. This can be beneficial to you if your business is in line with their chosen industry.
Provide Collateral
Having collateral improves your chances of getting approval for a secured business loan. Land titles, expensive items or valuable business equipment are some of the options that most business owners use as collateral to loan.
A Co-Signer is someone who will “guarantee” on the loan. He/She takes partial accountability for the loan by “co-signing” the loan agreement. It is often a person with higher credit score or with a steadier source of income compared to the borrower. The co-signer is able to handle the loan payments in case the borrower fails to pay them.
Does Fast Business Financial Offer Loans for Businesses with Bad Credit?
Fast Business Financial considers your business needs even if you have bad credit. We look at your business model and its profitability in the future – not just your past credit score. We take into account many factors that affect a business. Factors include some combination of personal credit reports, income and expense statements, corporate tax returns and other business financial documents. We evaluate your business statements and decide on your eligibility for credit. We take a holistic view of your business and offer a business line of credit to business owners with imperfect credit scores.
If your business is more than one year old, you may qualify for a business line of credit. If approved, you can get access to the funding on the next business day. Talk to our loan specialist today! Give us a call at (866) 277 2907. You may also fill up the online application here. See if our customized loans fit your business needs.